GenerousAF Foundation
Based in Oakland, CA. Bridging Communities. Building Generosity in Abundance

GenerousAF Foundation Mission
We are a 501c3 Social Impact Non-Profit Consultancy Group.
Our mission focuses on inspiring and educating people to be generous. We do this by supporting people in building STEAM initiatives that uplift their community. We look for underrepresented research projects that need resources and/or funding. We also host educational STEAM-related workshops to bridge information gaps in our local communities. Our goal is to strengthen local innovations and develop leaders that build equity within their community.

The Generous Abundance Fund Foundation at the core, is a networked source of knowledge & resources that encourage, enable, and empower people to share their abundance with others -- Re-distribution of abundant resources is the driving factor in uplifting communities and influencing the next generation's global economy.
We connect local groups to develop educational workshops and give micro-grants to support community-driven initiatives.

Ways We Work
Meaningful Work. Unforgettable Connections.

Contact Us @GenerousAF
501(c)3 nonprofit organization. EIN: 84-3341978
Get in touch with GenerousAF Foundation to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
Based in Oakland CA ❤️
(510) 607-1848